6th Weinmesse WEIN IM SCHLOSS

29. - 30. März 2019 | Schloss Mondsee

Wein im Schloss 2019!

Attention please, winelovers! From 29.-30. March 2019, the 6th edition of the winefair "Wein im Schloss" invites all private wine lovers, restaurateurs and wine merchants to taste, enjoy, compare and shop.

In 2019 more than 60 exhibitors are expected to present their fine wines in a pleasant ambience in the noble walls of Schloss Mondsee. These will include top winemakers from Austria, Germany and Italy, who will be offering gourmet products and accessories in addition to their wines.

Save the date!

29. - 30. March 2019

Here you can find the Application for exhibitors!

Best of...


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