2. Messe GESUND & WELLNESS Dornbirn 2018

3. - 4. November 2018 | Messe Dornbirn

Exhibitor Feedback 2017

Here you can find some feedback from the exhibitors of the Gesund & Wellness Dornbirn 2017.

„Good support before and during the fair by the team. Likewise, the advertising of the fair is qualitatively excellent. Motivation and enjoyment of sales during the fair is the responsibility of every exhibitor, but can be implemented more efficiently thanks to the support of the fair team. Thanks to the entire team."
Wellness- & Ayurvedahotel PAIERL ****S

„We have been exhibiting at a wide variety of health fairs for over 25 years, but the atmosphere and support at CMW is nothing like it. Thank you, we‘ll be back. “
Energy Island Joalis K.I.R.

„Vorarlberg gets the chance to unlock the way to naturopathy.“
Gesundheits-Mittel Groß- & Einzelhandel


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