Titelphoto: goodluz, nightfly84
Fotos Anreise mit der Bahn: ÖBB
Fotos Anreise mit Öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln: Salzburg AG
Fotos der Stadt Salzburg: Tourismus Salzburg
Fotos Manuel Horeth: Patrick Kirschhofer
More photos: drubig-photo, goodluz/, Kalle Kolodziej, jd-photodesign,, Messezentrum Salzburg, Motodrom Salzburg, Superflow, ÖBB,, Fox Boote, Tscheplak Media, Johannes Hochmuth, Mathias Jandl, Subbotina Anna/,, Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz, K.-U. Häßler –, Catalan Tourist Borard.
Photo rights for photos from exhibitos:
We kindly ask you to confirm us the points 1 to 4 below with an short “OK” via e-mail answer:
1. The provided photos are allowed to be used by the organizer – Messen CMW Peter Lindpointner GmbH - as part of the promotional steps for the fair 51plus 2014 for PRs, promotional materials, ads, trade fair website, social media of the fair or of the organizer, ...!
2. You guarantee, that the provided photos have all necessary rights, which allows you to transfer these photos to us for the purpose above.
3. The organizer is not obliged to use photos for advertising steps.
4. If expressly desired the photographer or a photo proof will always be called in the general area. A photo proof directly under the photo is not possible. The photo proof can be called only in the area for all the photo proofs! In possible press releases the photo will be named with your photo proof by us. In paid press releases the mentioning of your photo proof depends on the layout of the magazine or newspaper. On the fair website and advertisements, no photo evidence can be mentioned. If you want a photo proof urgent as described in section 4, we kindly ask you to send us the additional proof of publication of the photo.
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