13th Messe GESUND & WELLNESS Tulln

8. - 10. November 2019 | Messe Tulln


We will be pleased to assist you in the best possible way within preparation & during the fair.

Peter Lindpointner
Fair management & CEO since 1996

Tel.: +43(0)6232 6563
Mail: lindpointner@cmw.at

Nina Lindner
Fair coordination & stand construction since 2011

Tel.: +43(0)6232 6563-22
Mail: lindner@cmw.at

Mag. Jennifer Lisa Berger (born Auinger)
Fair Coordination & Sales

Tel.: +43 (0)6232 6563-44
Mail: berger@cmw.at

Janine Pöllmann
Fair assistant i. A. since 2017

Tel.: +43 (0)6232 6563-55
Mail: poellmann@cmw.at

Hannah Oppeneiger
Fair assistant i. A. since 2019

Tel.: +43 (0)6232 6563-66
Mail: oppeneiger@cmw.at

Alexandra Großbointner
Social Media


Send us infos & photos via whatsapp!

Whatsapp: +43 (0)660 9096167

Your team on location...
...will support you during the fair. For years the team members work together on different fair locations. They will be there to help, if you have any questions!

Best of...


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